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Thees The Nuts

Thees the Nuts plead guilty to conspiracy to spread autonomous thought and individuality amongst the populace. We do not regret, express dismay nor remorse for our actions that have contributed negatively to our community's complacency and stagnation. We cannot be reprogrammed to conform to your dead-end societal ennui, nor would we ever want to.

Thees The Nuts are Joe Buckets and Rodney Kashmir playing live, loud, and dangerously on the downtown streets of Seattle as often as possible and as loud as possible!

Dangerous music, art, and creativity are what makes Seattle great. Don't give up on it.

Featured in Drummer's Paradise in 2015 as 1 of the 4 most crowd pleasing street drummers with absolute talent; the first nut to bust was Joe Buckets. The cops busted him and took his drum kit away for playing live music on Capitol Hill.
What the fuck? And they call us crazy.
The second nut is a college drop out and a published writer. He's been institutionalized, rehabilitated, relapse and repeat. With only two restraining orders against him for threatening behavior; Rodney Kashmir is a fucking nut.

Thees the Nuts and we make music

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